Understanding Gum Disease

Understanding Gum Disease

While some might think losing teeth is inevitable with old age, there is a potential for all your teeth to last a lifetime. Among the ways you can accomplish this is to avoid periodontal disease a.k.a. gum disease. Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria that attack the gum tissue around your teeth. As the disease advances it results in bone loss within the jaw, tooth loss can happen shortly after. Sadly, you might not even realize you have gum disease as the symptoms and signs aren't necessarily as apparent to you as they're to a dental professional. Causes of gum disease: Plaque build-up is the common cause of gum disease. Smoking can cause complications to the regular functions of the cells within gum tissue, this makes your mouth vulnerable to infections such as gum disease. Certain medications could have side effects that hinder the production of saliva causing dry mouth, allowing bacteria to readily spread. Other causes may stem from nutritional deficiencies, crooked teeth, family history and hormonal shifts. Symptoms of gum disease:
  • Gums that bleed during and after tooth brushing
  • Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth
  • Receding gums
  • Formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums
How Is Gum Disease Treated: The beginning stages of gum disease can be treated before leading to more serious conditions by scheduling regular checkups with Dr. Nick Brand. A cleaning by Dr. Brand is the only way to remove plaque that has developed into tartar. For more advanced cases, Dr. Brand will utilize an ultrasonic scaling device or even a dental laser to remove the plaque and tartar build-up that has formed above and below the gum line. Contact us today: For more information on gum disease, contact our office today by clicking the attached link to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brand. His friendly and knowledgeable team at Dental Implants of Ocala are here to answer any questions you might have about all things dental related. We are currently located in the Ocala area in Florida to better assist you with your oral healthcare.

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