a model of a placed dental implant

How Dental Implants Are a Cost-Effective Tooth Replacement

If you have missing teeth, you most likely are looking for a tooth replacement that can provide the longest-lasting benefits at the most affordable cost. While dental implants are the best solution for most patients, their higher initial price tag make some question if this solution is worth it. Here are 4 reasons why dental implants are a cost-effective tooth replacement:

  • Dental implants are permanent.
    They are designed to provide lasting function and aesthetics for your smile. With this level of durability, they rarely need to be repaired and over 95% of all dental implants last long-term. You won’t have to worry about costly maintenance that comes with temporary solutions like dentures.
  • Dental implants don’t rely on other teeth.
    Unlike partial dentures and dental bridges, dental implants don’t need healthy natural teeth to remain secure in your mouth. They’re secured with posts that are surgically placed into your jawbone. They won’t harm adjacent natural teeth and reduce the risk of these teeth becoming damaged or decayed from a restoration.
  • Dental implants support your jawbone.
    Neither dentures nor dental bridges address bone loss that occurs in your jaw as a result of losing teeth. They’ll need to be replaced or relined multiple times over the course of your life. Dental implants support and stimulate your jawbone just like natural teeth. They’ll provide lasting health for your bone and keep it from resorbing further.
  • Dental implants are cared for like natural teeth.
    This solution doesn’t require any special treatment that patients may neglect. While they do need maintenance, it’s not more time consuming or costly than if you were caring for natural teeth. You won’t need to use pastes or adhesives and won’t need to remove them at night to clean.

Schedule your consultation

If you have more questions about the benefits of dental implants, schedule a consultation with your local implant dentist today.

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